

Professional water treatment/sewage treatment equipment manufacturer

Slide silo

Con : Mr. Yao
Phone : +86-17365354096
Web : www.463n8.com
E-mail : wxfeiyiya@163.com
Add : 5F, Building 6, Ruiyun, No. 99, Furong Zhongsan Road, Xishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi

◆ The system is closed, no material or odor spills.
◆ Simple structure and low energy consumption.
◆ The body material of the carriage adopts St52 steel, which has strong wear resistance, high reliability and long service life.
◆ The carriage bearing of the silo has a unique seal design and tight seal, which greatly extends the service life.
◆ Sliding frame movement speed is slow and wear is small; maintenance and repair costs are low.
◆ Continuous and stable output material flow.
◆ The running direction of the carriage is switched by the proximity switch, which is stable and reliable; at the same time, the over-travel protection is set. If the stroke is found to be too long, it will automatically slide in the reverse direction and send a fault signal.
◆ The hydraulic circuit of the carriage adopts pressure monitoring. If the pressure of the hydraulic system rises due to a blockage during operation, the carriage will automatically run in the reverse direction, and stop and alarm after repeated trials are invalid.

Copy right ? 2020 Wuxi Feiyiya Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved Record number: Su ICP 18058536
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