

Professional water treatment/sewage treatment equipment manufacturer

Lime silo

Con : Mr. Yao
Phone : +86-17365354096
Web : www.463n8.com
E-mail : wxfeiyiya@163.com
Add : 5F, Building 6, Ruiyun, No. 99, Furong Zhongsan Road, Xishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi

◆ Suitable for occasions where a large amount of dry powder chemicals are used.
◆ The powder conveying vehicle directly pneumatically conveys the material without flying dust.
◆ Storage capacity: 10~120m3.
◆ Dosing amount: 50~2000L/h dry powder.
◆ Standard configuration: silo bottom activation anti-arching device.
◆ Standard configuration: powder metering and conveying device.
◆ Standard configuration: Dust collector on the top of the warehouse.
◆ Standard material: carbon steel epoxy anti-corrosion.
◆ Optional: water inlet control components, dissolving tank and mixer, etc.

Copy right ? 2020 Wuxi Feiyiya Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved Record number: Su ICP 18058536
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