

Professional water treatment/sewage treatment equipment manufacturer

Curved mesh grid

Con : Mr. Yao
Phone : +86-17365354096
Web : www.463n8.com
E-mail : wxfeiyiya@163.com
Add : 5F, Building 6, Ruiyun, No. 99, Furong Zhongsan Road, Xishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi

◆All stainless steel material, stainless steel mesh plate, long service life.
◆The whole machine has low power and low energy consumption.
◆Wide range of application, especially suitable for occasions with a lot of fiber and flocculent garbage.
◆No underwater bearings, maintenance-free.
◆Large water flow and small head loss.
◆Fully enclosed structure.
◆The separation accuracy of the arc-shaped net plate is up to 2mm.
◆Fully automatic control can be realized by timing and liquid level difference.

Copy right ? 2020 Wuxi Feiyiya Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved Record number: Su ICP 18058536
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